Book Your Child’s Checkup Before the Year Is Over

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The end of the year is quickly approaching. Making a dental checkup or planning potential treatment for your child should be on your to-do list.  There are many reasons why you and your child will benefit from seeing our [Practice Location] before the year is over. In this case, use your insurance benefits before they run out on December 31st!

Yes, Insurance Benefits Expire

Dental insurance benefits don’t roll over from one year to the next.  If you don’t use your coverage, you lose it for good. In other words, you’re just wasting the monthly premium that you’re paying for but not using.

Dental cleanings, examinations, and x-rays are covered at 100% meaning that there’s no co-pay to come out of your pocket.  So, at the very least, you can get your child in for their preventive visit.

FSA Benefits Expire

If your child needs to have any dental treatment like a cavity filled or sealants placed, then this would be the perfect time to use your FSA benefits to pay for those procedures.  FSA benefits, like dental insurance coverage, expire if not used.

Holiday’s Will Keep You Busy Enough

The holidays are approaching fast and soon you’ll be busy with many things to do. Go ahead and plan your child’s visit to the dentist before you get elbow-deep in Christmas festivities. The last thing you’ll want is for your child to develop a toothache when you’re out of town or offices are closed.  Be proactive and have your child’s teeth checked right away.

Children and Teens are Out of School

The holiday break from school is the perfect time for your child to come in and have dental treatment done. But those appointments fill up quickly!

If your teenager has been struggling on and off with their wisdom teeth coming in, it’s best to just go ahead and have them removed. During their holiday break, they’ll have a few days to recover before they have to get back on their feet and face the challenges of school.  Even though your child may have enough room to grow their wisdom teeth, it’s often best to go ahead and have them removed anyway.  These third molars are very hard for a toothbrush to reach and oftentimes become painfully decayed later on down the road.

Toothaches can cause terrible pain for your child.  It may be best to go ahead and schedule an x-ray to check on things. An exam will give your family peace of mind as to whether you need to do anything now or can wait until later.

Limited End of Year Appointments Available

With dental insurance and FSA benefits expiring soon, we have many patients calling to get appointments before the end of the year.  Limited holiday appointments are still available. Call [Practice Name] of [Practice Location] today to reserve your child’s spot for their end-of-year check-up.  [Doctor Name] and their friendly staff look forward to seeing you.